From The Lens of Daughters, Nurse, and Caregiver

 Dr. Cynthia J Hickman is mentioned as a 5-star author by many readers on Amazon. Raised in Toledo, Ohio, transplanted to Texas to work, became a full-time caregiver to her mother in 2013 forcing her to leave her job early. Dedicated but not perfect in the role by any means as a caregiver, I share my personal story as a daughter, nurse, and caregiver. I hope it helps. The book is inspirational and honest. It shares my lived-experiences which I pray will makes you appreciate the importance of a caregiver’s role.

Short Excerpt From the Book

One of the most consistent characteristics about mommy was her commitment to family first, of course after God. She demonstrated her gratefulness to God by appreciating his daily blessings. She taught to seek God in everything, often telling me “He will give you peace…Just trust HIM.”

Oh no…not the green box content exploration! “Come sit over there,” mommy said after the bell rang umpteen times (the bell was how she would summon me). “If I go before you, keep the family together.” Where did that come from, I thought?! Was she planning her exit? All the important papers were housed in the green box…you know…insurance policies, wills, and more.

The world of caregiving, personal or professional cannot be taken frivolously. The art of caregiving is serious business, not to be entered into lightly…By sharing the art of caregiving; it is my earnest desire to help someone (personally and professionally) who may find themselves in my shoes.

Press Release For the Book

2019 Social Change Fellowship and Scholar from Walden University Writes a Literary Memorial in Honor of Her Mother About Caregiving

Dr. Hickman has written and contributed to academic and non-academic journals. She is an RN to BSN nursing professor at Capella University. Dr. Hickman is the 2019 Social Change Fellow and grant recipient of Walden University. Her research focuses on older adults and family members who serve as their caregivers.

Nursing, leadership, and nutritional health are her major passions. With a background that spans the fields of nursing, leadership, education, nutrition and public health, her interest and goals include advancing social change in an individual, community, and global stage.

What People Say About the Book

5.0 out of 5 Star Reviews