By sharing the art of the caregiving, it my earnest desire to help someone (personally and professionally) who may find themselves in my shoes. Hind side, I wish I had given myself permission to feel and act, without apology when I honestly did not want to be a caregiver. Realizing now, it was those moments in time when I should have walked…no run away to regroup as mommy’s health and my duties became more challenging. The honor to care my mommy will forever be…Honor!

About The Black Book Program

It is tough to answer questions about a loved one in stressful times. Here is your solution! The Black Book Program is designed just for caregivers to have a designated location for important documents and essential information on the care recipient. Accurately informing healthcare providers and family is vital in the caregiving experience, and it increases the chances of providing precise information with family and healthcare providers.

Within the pages of the Black Book Program, it will house information like vital statistics, medical diagnosis and provide treatment instructions from healthcare providers, medications information, healthcare practitioners’ names, and phone numbers, and more. Having a written communication tool for critical information saves time and offers peace of mind as a caregiver. It also allows everyone involved in the care of a loved one to have the same knowledge. Contact Dr. Cynthia J. Hickman to answer your questions.

Socks for Seniors Project

Community service is so essential, and the Socks for Seniors Project is one way to give back. Join me in the quarterly project sharing socks to seniors. Seniors living in nursing homes, assisted-living environments, and hospice appreciate simple acts of kindness. Contact me if you would like to donate to the Socks for Seniors Project. Thank you in advance for your selfless donation. Whether you live in the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, or anywhere else around the world, participating in this worthy cause is appreciated. One pair, or twenty-one pars, we thank you.