Social Workers Can Support Eldercare Needs!

It’s Social Worker Month, and boy, do we need to applaud social workers for their work. Social Workers provide services in various locations, from hospitals to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, military and penal institutions, group homes, and homes. Caregivers who care for loved ones often encounter challenging situations and need social workers’ knowledge to […]
Addressing Care Regardless of Location

Last evening, I attended a discussion with individuals who were social workers, case managers, and registered nurses. They examined the many challenges older adults face when admitted to the hospital from nursing homes. Many are black and brown elderly patients with minimum to no family interaction(out of sight, out of mind). The first discussion that […]
Caring for Loved Ones with Heart Disease

February is Heart Month, and we, as a society, focus on ways to care for the pump called “The Heart.” Many caregivers are caring for loved ones diagnosed with many heart conditions. Some conditions can be acute(meaning they occur suddenly), while most are chronic, meaning they manage a heart condition daily. It is hard to […]
It’s Cold Season: Keeping Your Elderly Warm

We finished a prolonged cold spell in Houston. Were you prepared? Your elderly loved ones need special attention during cold weather. We have a misconception that just because the sun is shining in winter means we can let our guard down. Ways to avoid getting sick in cold temperatures is to…be prepared. When caught unprepared, respiratory conditions […]
A National Caregiver… Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! As a national caregiver, Dr. King put humanity over self and sought injustice and peace amid violence and conflict. That was the definition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy. He became the caregiver of nonviolence. He preached that negotiation could resolve disagreements. He cared enough […]
Loved Ones and Glaucoma Awareness

January brings awareness to an eye-related condition like glaucoma. Hundreds of national and international health observances are presented monthly to raise awareness of health-related conditions that affect communities. Bringing attention to topics that impact the Black community is one of many goals of the Your Practice Caregiver Advocate platform. There are many challenges that the Black community faces […]
Understand the Health Benefits of Your Loved One!

The New Year is here, and there is no better time than the present to revisit and learn about your loved ones’ health and health benefits. Knowing the doctors, clinics, and hospitals caring for your loved one is also essential information to secure. As we know, benefits can change from year to year. The benefit […]
Recap: A Caregiver Advocate’s Year in Review!

Happy Holidays! What a year it has been. Over the years, I pray you were encouraged, inspired, renewed, and refreshed as you cared for your loved ones. I, for one, know the challenges of caregiving up close and personal. Many of you know that I cared for my mommy for twenty years. She passed away in […]
Loved Ones with Peripheral Neuropathy During Cold Weather

The winter months are upon us, and many elderly loved ones have chronic conditions that can exacerbate during cold weather. Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is one of those conditions. The condition results from damage to the peripheral nervous system, the body’s nervous system, and the communication system throughout the body. According to the National Institute of Health(NIH), about […]
Preparing Your Loved Ones End of Year Tax Affairs

The end of the year is fast approaching, and as the caregiver to your loved ones, now is the time to gather their essential documents as the year ends. Tax season can be stressful, but planning can save you time and wasted energy. If you would like to make a list, that would be helpful. […]